Saturday, June 22, 2013

Audio Post

This audio is posted remotely from a cell phone in Zambia. Please listed to identify the content.

Zambia Medical Mission 2013 will kick off July 6th.  We will be posting to this site in addition to

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Gift for Your Mother that Blesses Another

Honor Mothers in a Special Way This Year    Like us on Facebook


May we at Zambia Mission Fund suggest a way to give a Mother's Day gift that will give life to a mother and her baby in Zambia?
A gift of $10 will purchase two Clean Delivery Kits (CDKs) for Zambia. We give these CDKs out to expectant mothers during Zambia Medical Mission and throughout the year at the Namwianga Zonal Health Centre (NZHC). 
We target mothers who will not have access to a hospital or rural clinic for delivery.  Since  NZHC started teaching safe motherhood classes, and providing the Clean Delivery Kits, the clinic has not recorded a maternal death in the area it serves.

Enter the names of the mother or mothers you wish to honor on the last page of the checkout as you enter your credit card or eCheck information.  Your mother will receive a hand-written acknowledgment of the honor and the gift.
Help us Take the FEAR Out of an Expectant Mother's Life

Each year about 60 million women in developing countries give birth with only the help of an untrained attendant or family member or with no help at all. Many of these deliveries take place at home and often in a small hut in a remote village. The infection rate is high with some 1600 women per day dying from complications associated with pregnancy or childbirth, and infection is a leading cause. 

Child 2
Around 950,000 newborns per year die from infection, according to the World Health Organization. Many of these infections can be avoided when Clean Delivery Kits (CDKs) are used.

Simple Life-Saving Items In a Time of Need


Our kit includes the following:

Women and Children

  • Bar of soap and wash cloth
  • Square yard of plastic sheet
  • Razor blade (single edge)
  • String for umbilical cord
  • Sealed bag for packaging
  • Baby blanket
  • Infant sleeper or onesie
  • Candle (purchased in Zambia)
  • Matches
  • Two pairs disposable gloves
Last year during the medical mission, we gave out over 800 CDKs.   This year 
our goal is 1,000 kits 
so that no mom-to-be will go back to her hut without having these essentials for her hut delivery.



Thank you for your kindness in allowing us to present this need to you.
Have a blessed day.

KB Massingill, Ph.D. - President
Zambia Mission Fund

Like us on Facebook 
Way You
Place an article in your church bulletin!
Please help us spread the word of this unique and thoughtful way to honor mothers this Mother's Day.
To honor your mother click one of the links above to give online or:
Make checks payable to Zambia Mission Fund
Zambia Mission, P.O. Box 3393., Abilene, TX 79604.
Please include the name and address of the person you are honoring.  If you have further questions, please contact Star Ferguson at: or 325-668-0687
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Zambia Mission Fund | PO BOX 3393 | Abilene | TX | 79604-3393

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Multitudes Came

Our 18th Zambia Medical Mission has come to a close and with six days of clinics we saw a record breaking 20,220 people. They came in droves by walking, crawling, being carried on someone's back, bicycles, oxcarts, donkey carts and some in the back of large trucks. The needs are tremendous as the people we have ministered to have little access to medical care. For many it was the first time to be treated by a doctor. The pharmacy was extremely busy with the over 6000 prescriptions filled each day. On the first day at the Kasukwe Clinic we saw 3925 patients which was a record in the number of patients we have ever seen in one day. The team was exhausted by the time the day was over. We did have a few people out with stomach problems, but all have recovered and doing fine. Each day we either set records or were very close. It has been a challenge to the team, but we have an excellent group of workers, both Zambian and American, and they worked diligently to serve the vulnerable people of Southern Zambia. Everywhere we went the medical team was presented with gifts; which included 3 cows, 1 goat, and 10 chickens. Two of our truck drivers sold a cow and presented us with the funds to purchase food for the medical team. It is great to see every single person on the team whether they were a truck driver, kitchen worker, or a medical person working together to accomplish the one goal of sharing the love of Jesus with those in such need.

We were also able to send trucks back to Namwianga Zonal Health Center carrying patients for Cataract Surgery. Dr. Moonze, a Zambian Ophthalmologist, performed 83 surgeries in four days. In order to do this he had to operate some nights until 2:00 am. It is hard to put into words the joy that these people express in having their sight restored.

Praise God we had 70 baptisms and we know many other souls were touched and the church will grow and be strengthened. A big thanks to all who helped make Zambia Medical Mission 2012 a huge success.

In His Service,

Ellie Hamby
Zambia Medical Mission

Zambia Christian College Inc., dba Zambia Mission Fund
PO BOX 3393, Abilene, TX 79604-3393 |

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Copyright 2012 Zambia Christian College Inc., All rights reserved.

Audio Post

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monday Morning

This post is being done from Namwianga by KB who traveled back Sunday evening with a group of patients being brought to Namwianga Zonal Health Centre for cataract surgery.

The team set a record for patients seen in a single day by Zambia Medical Mission yesterday even though several of the team members had stomach issues and were unable to work.  At the end of the day, those suffering from the stomach bug were better and the team had seen 3925 patients in a single day which puts the total thus far at over 14.600.

The trip to Kasukwe was difficult, and lasted just under five hours on rut-roads and sand.  The area is remote, but one cell provider has limited service if you find exactly the right place to stand.  Even then it is most often just text messages and no voice service.  Many of us use AirTel and we got an occasional signal but it never lasted long.  As a result we use satellite phones when we really need to reach someone.

Dr. Monze, a Zambian eye surgeon has been doing cataract surgeries here at Namwianga, and the patients are screened and brought in on the back of trucks to the clinic.  Traveling on the back of a large lorry seems like a poor way to travel, but in many ways it is the most convenient and practical way to haul people in these difficult conditions.

A few new photos have been posted at

We will post more as we have it.

Post will get fewer as the days go on and will potentially stop abrubtly after Tuesday.