Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Matthew Prather's Passing

One of the defining elements of Zambia Medical Mission is that we have encouraged participation by young people and families. Those in the picture worked last year in the children's ministry.

Matthew (lower right corner) and his brother Stephen (top right) participated in ZMM because of Dr. Benkhe.

Matthew had a heart for helping others.

Below is a message from Calab Ramsey (top left).

I’ve been in touch with Stephen and he says that he and his dad definitely need our prayers. He says his dad is extremely torn up about the everything, he says that he's trying to stay strong for his dad but he's also torn up. His mom has a bruised brain and a fracture at the base of her neck and two broken ribs, she is not breathing on her own. she has good pressure in her head and she is somewhat stable so they are cautiously optimistic. About Matthew, I've realized through my own tears that I shouldn't worry about him because there is no way that he isn't in heaven right now, he was too kind-hearted not to be.