Our team enjoyed worship this morning, and came back to the Hamby Guest House for lunch. We had a lengthy meeting following lunch to walk through a thousand details that we all need to be aware of.
Our greatest hitch at the moment, is that due to a change at the Nursing Counsel all of our nurses must report to Lusaka (six hours away) for an interview before they can practice. This means that a few of our nurses will get up VERY early tomorrow travel to Lusaka, be a part of an interview, and then make the eight hour trip back to our clinic site and arrive after dark. It is difficult, but our only choice. In the years past, nurses who had previously sat for the interview did not have to do it again every year, but a complete turn-over of personnel at the Nursing Counsel means changes in protocol.
You can see photos on facebook.com/zambiamission of our group practicing putting up King Canopies. It is essential that we be able to do it quickly and effectively in order to ensure that we are able to move quickly when the time comes to start our clinics.
The weather last night was cold, but characteristically hot today in the sun.
We will be getting up early tomorrow to travel to our clinic site.
Keep us in your prayers.
Thanks for your interest.